Welcome to the Municipality of Anchorage’s Watershed Management Map Gallery. This gallery is intended to provide Anchorage residents, businesses and visitors with access to municipal watershed mapping data. The Watershed Management group maintains a database of hydrographic spatial data and it is organized here to help you quickly and easily access and interact with the data.
Source data for the majority of content displayed here is the Watershed Management’s Hydrography Geodatabase (HGDB). The HGDB is generated through mapping performed by four agencies: MOA Watershed Management Services, Planning Department, Street Maintenance and Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. This online map gallery is brought to by a partnership between Watershed Management Services, Anchorage Water and Waste Water Utility, Esri and HDR Alaska.
The mapping displayed here is provided as a courtesy service by the Municipality of Anchorage Watershed Management Division. While every effort is made to keep the information current, it is recommended users contact Watershed Management for uses beyond general planning purposes.
Questions about these maps can be directed to MOA Watershed Management 907-343-8135